Learn Spanish

in Uruguay and Argentina.

Posted in: Courses


How do you constitute classes?

The maximum class size for group courses is 6 students. No exceptions. We make sure that all students are of the same level. Our program is based on 9 skill levels, each of which lasts between 40 and 60 hours (2 and 3 weeks). If no course on your exact level is open, we guarantee that we will open one for you, even if that means that you will be on your own in class. Every Monday, year-round, guaranteed. The price of your course stays unchanged. When constituting classes we also take into account the background of our students, especially on the lower levels. For instance, an English speaker who has never learned a foreign language before and starts Spanish classes on level 0 most probably will not be in the same group as a Portuguese native speaker.

Posted in: Courses

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